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To foster equality and inclusivity by encouraging support for organizations that promote human rights for all and the wellbeing of our planet.

                                                                 was founded in 2016 when, following the presidential election, a rash of hate crimes arose. Out of frustration and despair I developed SAFE tags, little heart shaped pins with the word SAFE to show that the person wearing them was a safe ally. My hope at the time was that these tags would increase the understanding that the individual wearing it was an ally for anyone fearing for their safety. My thought was that requiring an individual to donate to one of the non-profits on my site to get a tag would be a dual benefit in that it helped support these much needed organizations. While this concept didn’t exactly take off, I still wanted to find a way to encourage donations, so I developed the PEACE and STOP HATE tags. This began to help funnel donations, though after the change in administration, things fell quiet. Well, we’re back and ready to take action again.


In addition to the tags offered, I will be continuing to add new pins and pendants to encourage giving. Now, more than ever, it is imperative that we support causes* that fight hate and social injustice. As with before, this venture is extremely personal to me, so no profits are made from the sale of anything offered on this site. Instead, with a donation receipt they are given freely as a symbolic gesture to inspire contributions. Each time you wear your pin or pendant and donate, you’re showing your commitment to creating a better, more inclusive world for us all and for future generations.  And for that, I’m deeply grateful to each and every one you.


Lastly, I want to acknowledge the amazingly talented Tami Sisson, who in the midst of an

overwhelmingly busy life stepped in and took the time to design our logo and help create

this website. Without her this project would not have come to fruition. From the bottom of

my heart, thank you, my friend.

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With Love & Gratitude,

  Mollie Jensen (she/her)

  Founder, UR SAFE with Me

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